In a recent Op-Ed by Dr. Al Puerini, President of Rhode Island Primary Care Physicians Corporation (RIPCPC), Dr. Puerini announced that, through collaboration, Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island (BCBSRI) and RIPCPC have been able to “save $4 million in 2015 and $8.3 million in 2016, all while achieving a better than 95 percent quality rating from the federal government.”
TMG was proud to support Care New England, RIPCPC, The Providence Center, Continuum Behavioral Health and BCBSRI while they worked together, as equal partners, to launch Win4RI – an alliance with the aim of building a more fully-integrated, high quality system of health care and coverage.
Subsequently, and as a result of building a strong partnership foundation through Win4RI, the organizations launched Rhode Island’s largest accountable care organization – Integra Community Care Network. Their joint commitment to improving the quality, safety, efficiency, accessibility and affordability of health care for Rhode Islanders serves as a model for the nation.
Click Here to Read the Dr. Puerini’s Full Op-Ed
Click Here to Read Dr. Puerini’s Endorsement of The Margolin Group’s Work in Rhode Island